Sunday, January 17, 2010

Aerosoles That Look Like Converse

a Sunday afternoon with the bagels!

Last Sunday, I remade the recipe for the bagels with Paoletta Anise & Cinnamon and that 'a certainty. I followed the thread and sign the recipe and here is the wonder appears. My kids use the bagels stuffed with all sorts of sausage but also the wonderful nutella .. a pleasure .. I put the recipe below
Paoletta verbatim:
400 grams of flour (100 gr. Manitoba - 300 gr. 00)
225 ml of boiling milk

50 g butter 25 g sugar 15 g yeast
3 / 4 grams of salt (1 teaspoon) 1 egg

1 egg 2 tablespoons milk


Pour in boiling milk in a bowl, add the butter and sugar, let it all loose and let it cool for a few minutes.

Take the crumbled yeast and directly into the bowl with milk. Mix well and let stand for 5 minutes. If the yeast and 'good work and you will see that it will start' to form a froth.
Now add the egg (the yolk to keep him from the brush), and finally the salt.
Mix and add the flour mixing with a spoon first and then when it gets too thick on a floured work surface.

Here I recommend a lot of patience. You have to knead well until 'the dough becomes smooth and you do not attack' more 'hands. When it becomes smooth, knead again, maybe banging on the table for good.
will take at least 10-15 minutes.
When you're tired just can not do more than 'put it back into the bowl, cover with foil or a plate and let it rise for 1 hour in the oven and closed off, light bulb.
Dovra 'double the volume.
Take the dough, Deflate and divide into equal parts of about 65 grams each, will be 12.
At this point you have to make small sandwiches tondi.In practice the concept (or as I do ...) is to pull the dough from the top to the bottom and roll it out until the paninetto will be nice and smooth. The bad part, it should be pulled "in sub" pizzicando poi per "fermare"...
A questo punto posizioniamo le palline su una teglia coperta di carta forno, in modo che la parte liscia stia sopra e quella brutta e pizzicata stia sotto. Quando saranno tutte pronte, ci infariniamo bene le mani, il dito indice soprattutto, prendiamo ogni paninetto, lo foriamo col dito esattamente al centro e facciamo girare la pallina attorno al dito come fosse un hula hop ;)
Il buco dovrà essere di circa 2 cm. altrimenti in cottura, lievitando ancora sparisce.

Quando avremo formato i bagels, li lasceremo riposare per 10 minuti.

Intanto accendiamo il forno a 200 gradi e mettiamo sul fuoco un tegame largo e alto con dell'acqua e la portiamo a ebollizione. Abbassiamo la fiamma and let simmer slowly.

Take the bagels and put them into the pan with boiling water. Put a few at a time, I was 4.
Let cook for about 10 seconds on one side and 10 on the other. The bagel will swell a bit 'will become a little' ugly, but do not worry, come back firing in smooth and beautiful as newly formed.

Scoliamoli and put it a few minutes to dry on a dry cloth, taking care to move as when we have them trained, namely the "bad" below.

Now let's put on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving enough space between each other. Otherwise, we use two pans.

Spennelliamoli now with the yolk mixed with milk, sprinkled with sesame seeds or poppy seeds and bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden.

baked, put them on a wire rack and cover with a clean cloth. Let cool.
At this point we can eat them right away, but not frozen.


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