grandmother's cake?? It, thanks !!!!!
my friends already know that I read 'the gift that will get me this Christmas: a photography course !!!!!!! but horrible picture I do? and then when I remember them, and then also being combined with a heavy dose of phosphorus!
well think of the taste sense '.. there is a leg ...
This recipe has already 'the years and pull out when we turn pet or cuddle .. ..
pastry: 300 gr flour
35 g starch 100 g sugar 150 g
soft butter 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon baking
lemon flavoring
proceed on a work surface by placing the flour, sugar and butter to the crumbs and then add the eggs, flavor and yeast and make a dough.
Before you prepare the pastry and 'so help you prepare the cream' has time to cool while Prepare the pastry.
Cream: 4 egg
large, and 'better
yellow corn flour 40 g sugar 120
300ml milk with cream 200
obviously not fixed! (You can also make a quart of cream and add the milk up to 500ml)
pine nuts taste
stretch goal '(just a little more') of the pastry into the pan, or the removable or the ceramic. 26.versare diameter at least over the cream, put the pine nuts and then the network with the rest of the pastry and cover. bake at 160 for 40 minutes but check frequently that bruci.non not let you down '!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Nad Receiver T765 And Hdmi
Spinacino seitan
Then I started to take him to the library and read books. I've already said that he is a genius? Okay, go into intellectual progress next time ...
CIAOOO! The recipe I will be telegraphic.
Seitan Spinach (serves 8 normal, 4 cappuccino, Puccioni 2):
mix 250 grams of cooked spinach (a can of spinach ready), 250 g of unsweetened soy yogurt, 240 g of gluten powder;
make two sausage;
cook as normal seitan (boil in water with soy sauce, ginger, kombu seaweed, spices for 30-45 minutes), this time I've thrown in ' water "naked", without either cloth or network;
slice into four (for the sense of length);
pass cooked with herbs and wine to taste a bit ';
sauté or oven.
Well, I fulfilled my duties update you on the cappuccino, which has made the four months is a gem, a marvel, a beautiful and talented child. course, all mothers are convinced, but in my case it's true!
First has the goodness of the mother to sleep for 12-14 hours at night, in short, a godsend! Do you know who sleeps in her bed in bedroom since she was two months already, but i still have not said it's so good to sleep happy 10-12 hours at home of grandparents and great-grandmother, so the weekend Mom and Dad went back to the newlyweds.
It 's a good kid, of 67 cm long and 7 pounds of weight (almost did not grow this month, and less evil that has begun to slow, if not had to change the bed) is fine, with the three P (pap pee poo) in place. We talked to the pediatrician for weaning a vegetarian and we were a little 'puzzled by his answers, said he will consult with the dietitian and it is possible, but we have proposed solutions that do not have convinced us (iron supplements: but they are really needed? We do not result) and proposed alternatives based on lentils and pesce tutti i giorni (non sarà un po' esagerato? E poi, se dobbiamo dargli il pesce tutti i giorni allora tanto vale dargli anche la carne...). Insomma, temo che sarà più difficile del previsto. Oltretutto abbiamo già cambiato pediatra perché la dottoressa da cui andavamo prima era perennemente irrintracciabile, e sarebbe davvero problematico cambiare ancora.
Mah... non so se dipende da me, ma finora non mi sono trovata affatto bene con i pediatri... l'impressione è che non ci capiamo. Ognuno dice la sua, presentandola come una verità di fede, e se provo non dico a sindacare ma a chiedere chiarimenti, nel migliore dei casi mi trattano da deficiente. Unica eccezione sono i dottori del Buzzi, che stanno curando benissimo il piedino torto del pupo.
A proposito del piede, il 14 abbiamo portato il puccino alla visita di controllo: le ossa sono a posto, ma il tendine è corto e il tallone non è sceso adeguatamente, per cui l'appuntamento è per il mese prossimo per valutare il piccolo intervento di tenotomia, cioé l'incisione del tendine. Per il momento non mi preoccupo, perché so che è una stupidata, anche se il cuore di mamma palpiterà parecchio quando verrà il momento!
Adesso porta il tutore "solo" per 20 ore al giorno, per cui ci sono ben 4 ore di libertà! Sono contenta perché sul tappeto può sgambettare meglio. Anche se non sembra che gli dia particolarmente fastidio, come potete vedere nella foto:
Seitan Spinach (serves 8 normal, 4 cappuccino, Puccioni 2):
mix 250 grams of cooked spinach (a can of spinach ready), 250 g of unsweetened soy yogurt, 240 g of gluten powder;
make two sausage;
cook as normal seitan (boil in water with soy sauce, ginger, kombu seaweed, spices for 30-45 minutes), this time I've thrown in ' water "naked", without either cloth or network;
slice into four (for the sense of length);
pass cooked with herbs and wine to taste a bit ';
sauté or oven.
Well, I fulfilled my duties update you on the cappuccino, which has made the four months is a gem, a marvel, a beautiful and talented child. course, all mothers are convinced, but in my case it's true!
First has the goodness of the mother to sleep for 12-14 hours at night, in short, a godsend! Do you know who sleeps in her bed in bedroom since she was two months already, but i still have not said it's so good to sleep happy 10-12 hours at home of grandparents and great-grandmother, so the weekend Mom and Dad went back to the newlyweds.
It 's a good kid, of 67 cm long and 7 pounds of weight (almost did not grow this month, and less evil that has begun to slow, if not had to change the bed) is fine, with the three P (pap pee poo) in place. We talked to the pediatrician for weaning a vegetarian and we were a little 'puzzled by his answers, said he will consult with the dietitian and it is possible, but we have proposed solutions that do not have convinced us (iron supplements: but they are really needed? We do not result) and proposed alternatives based on lentils and pesce tutti i giorni (non sarà un po' esagerato? E poi, se dobbiamo dargli il pesce tutti i giorni allora tanto vale dargli anche la carne...). Insomma, temo che sarà più difficile del previsto. Oltretutto abbiamo già cambiato pediatra perché la dottoressa da cui andavamo prima era perennemente irrintracciabile, e sarebbe davvero problematico cambiare ancora.
Mah... non so se dipende da me, ma finora non mi sono trovata affatto bene con i pediatri... l'impressione è che non ci capiamo. Ognuno dice la sua, presentandola come una verità di fede, e se provo non dico a sindacare ma a chiedere chiarimenti, nel migliore dei casi mi trattano da deficiente. Unica eccezione sono i dottori del Buzzi, che stanno curando benissimo il piedino torto del pupo.
A proposito del piede, il 14 abbiamo portato il puccino alla visita di controllo: le ossa sono a posto, ma il tendine è corto e il tallone non è sceso adeguatamente, per cui l'appuntamento è per il mese prossimo per valutare il piccolo intervento di tenotomia, cioé l'incisione del tendine. Per il momento non mi preoccupo, perché so che è una stupidata, anche se il cuore di mamma palpiterà parecchio quando verrà il momento!
Adesso porta il tutore "solo" per 20 ore al giorno, per cui ci sono ben 4 ore di libertà! Sono contenta perché sul tappeto può sgambettare meglio. Anche se non sembra che gli dia particolarmente fastidio, come potete vedere nella foto:
Then I started to take him to the library and read books. I've already said that he is a genius? Okay, go into intellectual progress next time ...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Aerosoles That Look Like Converse
a Sunday afternoon with the bagels!
Last Sunday, I remade the recipe for the bagels with Paoletta Anise & Cinnamon and that 'a certainty. I followed the thread and sign the recipe and here is the wonder appears. My kids use the bagels stuffed with all sorts of sausage but also the wonderful nutella .. a pleasure .. I put the recipe below
Paoletta verbatim:
400 grams of flour (100 gr. Manitoba - 300 gr. 00)
225 ml of boiling milk
50 g butter 25 g sugar 15 g yeast
3 / 4 grams of salt (1 teaspoon) 1 egg
1 egg 2 tablespoons milk
Pour in boiling milk in a bowl, add the butter and sugar, let it all loose and let it cool for a few minutes.
Take the crumbled yeast and directly into the bowl with milk. Mix well and let stand for 5 minutes. If the yeast and 'good work and you will see that it will start' to form a froth.
Now add the egg (the yolk to keep him from the brush), and finally the salt.
Mix and add the flour mixing with a spoon first and then when it gets too thick on a floured work surface.
Here I recommend a lot of patience. You have to knead well until 'the dough becomes smooth and you do not attack' more 'hands. When it becomes smooth, knead again, maybe banging on the table for good.
will take at least 10-15 minutes.
When you're tired just can not do more than 'put it back into the bowl, cover with foil or a plate and let it rise for 1 hour in the oven and closed off, light bulb.
Dovra 'double the volume.
Take the dough, Deflate and divide into equal parts of about 65 grams each, will be 12.
At this point you have to make small sandwiches tondi.In practice the concept (or as I do ...) is to pull the dough from the top to the bottom and roll it out until the paninetto will be nice and smooth. The bad part, it should be pulled "in sub" pizzicando poi per "fermare"...
A questo punto posizioniamo le palline su una teglia coperta di carta forno, in modo che la parte liscia stia sopra e quella brutta e pizzicata stia sotto. Quando saranno tutte pronte, ci infariniamo bene le mani, il dito indice soprattutto, prendiamo ogni paninetto, lo foriamo col dito esattamente al centro e facciamo girare la pallina attorno al dito come fosse un hula hop ;)
Il buco dovrà essere di circa 2 cm. altrimenti in cottura, lievitando ancora sparisce.
Quando avremo formato i bagels, li lasceremo riposare per 10 minuti.
Intanto accendiamo il forno a 200 gradi e mettiamo sul fuoco un tegame largo e alto con dell'acqua e la portiamo a ebollizione. Abbassiamo la fiamma and let simmer slowly.
Take the bagels and put them into the pan with boiling water. Put a few at a time, I was 4.
Let cook for about 10 seconds on one side and 10 on the other. The bagel will swell a bit 'will become a little' ugly, but do not worry, come back firing in smooth and beautiful as newly formed.
Scoliamoli and put it a few minutes to dry on a dry cloth, taking care to move as when we have them trained, namely the "bad" below.
Now let's put on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving enough space between each other. Otherwise, we use two pans.
Spennelliamoli now with the yolk mixed with milk, sprinkled with sesame seeds or poppy seeds and bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden.
baked, put them on a wire rack and cover with a clean cloth. Let cool.
At this point we can eat them right away, but not frozen.
Last Sunday, I remade the recipe for the bagels with Paoletta Anise & Cinnamon and that 'a certainty. I followed the thread and sign the recipe and here is the wonder appears. My kids use the bagels stuffed with all sorts of sausage but also the wonderful nutella .. a pleasure .. I put the recipe below
Paoletta verbatim:
400 grams of flour (100 gr. Manitoba - 300 gr. 00)
225 ml of boiling milk
50 g butter 25 g sugar 15 g yeast
3 / 4 grams of salt (1 teaspoon) 1 egg
1 egg 2 tablespoons milk
Pour in boiling milk in a bowl, add the butter and sugar, let it all loose and let it cool for a few minutes.
Take the crumbled yeast and directly into the bowl with milk. Mix well and let stand for 5 minutes. If the yeast and 'good work and you will see that it will start' to form a froth.
Now add the egg (the yolk to keep him from the brush), and finally the salt.
Mix and add the flour mixing with a spoon first and then when it gets too thick on a floured work surface.
Here I recommend a lot of patience. You have to knead well until 'the dough becomes smooth and you do not attack' more 'hands. When it becomes smooth, knead again, maybe banging on the table for good.
will take at least 10-15 minutes.
When you're tired just can not do more than 'put it back into the bowl, cover with foil or a plate and let it rise for 1 hour in the oven and closed off, light bulb.
Dovra 'double the volume.
Take the dough, Deflate and divide into equal parts of about 65 grams each, will be 12.
At this point you have to make small sandwiches tondi.In practice the concept (or as I do ...) is to pull the dough from the top to the bottom and roll it out until the paninetto will be nice and smooth. The bad part, it should be pulled "in sub" pizzicando poi per "fermare"...
A questo punto posizioniamo le palline su una teglia coperta di carta forno, in modo che la parte liscia stia sopra e quella brutta e pizzicata stia sotto. Quando saranno tutte pronte, ci infariniamo bene le mani, il dito indice soprattutto, prendiamo ogni paninetto, lo foriamo col dito esattamente al centro e facciamo girare la pallina attorno al dito come fosse un hula hop ;)
Il buco dovrà essere di circa 2 cm. altrimenti in cottura, lievitando ancora sparisce.
Quando avremo formato i bagels, li lasceremo riposare per 10 minuti.
Intanto accendiamo il forno a 200 gradi e mettiamo sul fuoco un tegame largo e alto con dell'acqua e la portiamo a ebollizione. Abbassiamo la fiamma and let simmer slowly.
Take the bagels and put them into the pan with boiling water. Put a few at a time, I was 4.
Let cook for about 10 seconds on one side and 10 on the other. The bagel will swell a bit 'will become a little' ugly, but do not worry, come back firing in smooth and beautiful as newly formed.
Scoliamoli and put it a few minutes to dry on a dry cloth, taking care to move as when we have them trained, namely the "bad" below.
Now let's put on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving enough space between each other. Otherwise, we use two pans.
Spennelliamoli now with the yolk mixed with milk, sprinkled with sesame seeds or poppy seeds and bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden.
baked, put them on a wire rack and cover with a clean cloth. Let cool.
At this point we can eat them right away, but not frozen.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kidney Stone Small Grey
loaves of bread fast!
These rolls are delicious as well as being too fast 'cause they do not need preparation biga the night before. It 'clear that those who want to use less yeast, prepare the night before and the day after a chariot proceeds to halving the yeast mixture. This recipe
and 'Alice Cinderella in the kitchen of the blog and I suggest you go and visit him because 'very nice ..
I am posting the recipe: Ingredients
300 grams of water;
1 cube of yeast
600 grams of flour
10 grams of salt;
1 / 2 teaspoon of barley malt or honey alterative.
Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water instead ... .. (not hot) .. after that .. put the flour and knead all the ingredients ... if I do it with .. put the robot into the bowl and knead until you get ... un'impasto smooth and well blended.
At this point ... ... Hang with the washer and cut into 6 pieces.
take each rectangle and turn it on himself ... and the knife marks trasversali.Come foto.Ripetete in the operation for all the rectangles.
Place them on a baking sheet ... and let rise until double in volume
Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes ... until they are golden brown.
These rolls are delicious as well as being too fast 'cause they do not need preparation biga the night before. It 'clear that those who want to use less yeast, prepare the night before and the day after a chariot proceeds to halving the yeast mixture. This recipe
and 'Alice Cinderella in the kitchen of the blog and I suggest you go and visit him because 'very nice ..
I am posting the recipe: Ingredients
300 grams of water;
1 cube of yeast
600 grams of flour
10 grams of salt;
1 / 2 teaspoon of barley malt or honey alterative.
Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water instead ... .. (not hot) .. after that .. put the flour and knead all the ingredients ... if I do it with .. put the robot into the bowl and knead until you get ... un'impasto smooth and well blended.
At this point ... ... Hang with the washer and cut into 6 pieces.
take each rectangle and turn it on himself ... and the knife marks trasversali.Come foto.Ripetete in the operation for all the rectangles.
Place them on a baking sheet ... and let rise until double in volume
Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes ... until they are golden brown.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Zelda Twilight How To Turn Into Wolf
directly from Sale & Pepe: Soup of the Queen!
I do not think a soup diet, but that warms the heart and stomach for sure!
I got the recipe from Sale & Pepe in December because of 'immediately struck me ..
The other night, from reviewing the fridge I realized that I had all the ingredients and then away!
I went to eye with the amount ':
I started with the cut, diced carrot, celery and 3 / 4 of leeks (a whole was huge and it was too).
I cut a piece of meat Julienne capon already 'and I put the broth boiled (for 5 persons) on the fire.
I cut the bread into cubes and put in the oven (I have burnt!) With nothing, just toast. I put the broth in the pan to heat the capon and then removed (with strainer) and kept warm.
In another pan, I put a knob of butter, two tablespoons of flour and I toasted a bit 'then I added the broth, nutmeg and diced vegetables and simmer for 20 minutes. Before I used an egg beaten with 2 tablespoons panna e versato nel brodo bollente,mescolato e poi fatto i piatti,aggiunto la julienne di cappone e i crostini...
Vi dico che e' DELIZIOSA!!!!!
I do not think a soup diet, but that warms the heart and stomach for sure!
I got the recipe from Sale & Pepe in December because of 'immediately struck me ..
The other night, from reviewing the fridge I realized that I had all the ingredients and then away!
I went to eye with the amount ':
I started with the cut, diced carrot, celery and 3 / 4 of leeks (a whole was huge and it was too).
I cut a piece of meat Julienne capon already 'and I put the broth boiled (for 5 persons) on the fire.
I cut the bread into cubes and put in the oven (I have burnt!) With nothing, just toast. I put the broth in the pan to heat the capon and then removed (with strainer) and kept warm.
In another pan, I put a knob of butter, two tablespoons of flour and I toasted a bit 'then I added the broth, nutmeg and diced vegetables and simmer for 20 minutes. Before I used an egg beaten with 2 tablespoons panna e versato nel brodo bollente,mescolato e poi fatto i piatti,aggiunto la julienne di cappone e i crostini...
Vi dico che e' DELIZIOSA!!!!!
Wikipedia Multiple Sclerosis
Ariciaoooo! First of all you published the photo of ecological kit laundry that I gave to friends and Agne Of Christmas. It contains a bag of nuts at issue, Ecor sanitizing bleach, a bottle of tea tree oil, a bag profumabiancheria, pout pourri, and two dwarves that come alive at night and do laundry for you, so you solve the problem at its root. The gift is was very much appreciated, especially with regard to the friendly old people.
And we return to the nuts: I have been inundated with comments on their uselessness, alas. The disappointment was pretty strong. Maria Luisa But I pointed out a post on provviZDORAmente that gave me back a bit 'of hope. It says that you can obtain an excellent detergent or shampoo by simmering 50 g of walnuts in 1 liter of water for half an hour and a half. I'll try, maybe never ...
And we return to the nuts: I have been inundated with comments on their uselessness, alas. The disappointment was pretty strong. Maria Luisa But I pointed out a post on provviZDORAmente that gave me back a bit 'of hope. It says that you can obtain an excellent detergent or shampoo by simmering 50 g of walnuts in 1 liter of water for half an hour and a half. I'll try, maybe never ...
Monday, January 4, 2010
How To Get Silly String Out Of A Jacket?
biscuits light rice light ....
Intanto vi auguro di cuore un buon anno,pieno di felicita' e salute!!!!
Inizio l'anno con i biscottini di farina di riso che ha postato Katty tempo fa' qui nel suo blog e che mi avevano incuriosito perche' prevedevano l'uso della sola farina di riso,quindi fantastici per me che sono intollerante alla farina..
Sono piaciuti a tutta la famiglia e sono stati spazzolati via in meno che non vi dico!
Per comodita vi posto anche the recipe so copincollata by Katty 'to assess at a glance or ingredient if they can do better than for you. I want to emphasize the goodness' and the sensitivity varied from the use of these biscuits: breakfast, served afternoon tea, a hot chocolate and also by "pucca" in a good white wine! Word for everyone!
RICE Ingredients: 450 gr
rice flour 1 teaspoon baking powder (gluten free for celiac)
250 g sugar 100 g butter 2 eggs
50 ml of milk or a little more
jam to taste (I plum and apricot)
Procedure: It is
the fountain with the flour and put themselves at the center of all the other ingredients, mix well until mixture is smooth, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for about 30 min.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and in the meantime with the mixture formed into balls as large as nuts, lightly squeeze the center to form a small cavity;
take a teaspoon of jam and distribute them into the slots.
bake for about 15 minutes or until lightly doreranno not on the surface. Let cool for ten minutes before consumption.
shortbread I made with the ball like a nut, I mashed with a fork
e le ho cotte a 180° per 15 minuti poi le ho unite con un cucchiaio di Nutella!!!!
Oppure con della cioccolata fondente sciolta e lasciate raffreddare!!!Favolosi e croccantini...
Anche io li ho fatti con la nutella ,maledettamente buoni...
Ho letto sul blog di Katty che lei ha preso la ricetta da dolceamara e per corretezza mi sembrava giusto citarla...
Intanto vi auguro di cuore un buon anno,pieno di felicita' e salute!!!!
Inizio l'anno con i biscottini di farina di riso che ha postato Katty tempo fa' qui nel suo blog e che mi avevano incuriosito perche' prevedevano l'uso della sola farina di riso,quindi fantastici per me che sono intollerante alla farina..
Sono piaciuti a tutta la famiglia e sono stati spazzolati via in meno che non vi dico!
Per comodita vi posto anche the recipe so copincollata by Katty 'to assess at a glance or ingredient if they can do better than for you. I want to emphasize the goodness' and the sensitivity varied from the use of these biscuits: breakfast, served afternoon tea, a hot chocolate and also by "pucca" in a good white wine! Word for everyone!
RICE Ingredients: 450 gr
rice flour 1 teaspoon baking powder (gluten free for celiac)
250 g sugar 100 g butter 2 eggs
50 ml of milk or a little more
jam to taste (I plum and apricot)
Procedure: It is
the fountain with the flour and put themselves at the center of all the other ingredients, mix well until mixture is smooth, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for about 30 min.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and in the meantime with the mixture formed into balls as large as nuts, lightly squeeze the center to form a small cavity;
take a teaspoon of jam and distribute them into the slots.
bake for about 15 minutes or until lightly doreranno not on the surface. Let cool for ten minutes before consumption.
shortbread I made with the ball like a nut, I mashed with a fork
e le ho cotte a 180° per 15 minuti poi le ho unite con un cucchiaio di Nutella!!!!
Oppure con della cioccolata fondente sciolta e lasciate raffreddare!!!Favolosi e croccantini...
Anche io li ho fatti con la nutella ,maledettamente buoni...
Ho letto sul blog di Katty che lei ha preso la ricetta da dolceamara e per corretezza mi sembrava giusto citarla...
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