Thursday, December 10, 2009

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home in the oven: stars

Per farmi perdonare della mia latitanza vi propongo questi biscottini deliziosi che racchiudono tutto l'aroma del Natale! Forse perche',per me,cannella equivale al Natale,dichiaro che da oggi sono entrata completamente nello spirito culinario natalizio..povera la mia dieta!!!!
Questa ricettina l'ho trovata anni fa' su una rivista e da allora non l'ho piu' mollata!
100 gr miele
100 gr zucchero cane
100 g butter 400 g flour
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder cinnamon
go go
1 egg
heat in saucepan on low heat, honey , butter, sugar to dissolve it all. Go to a bowl and add the flour to start (can 'be that he should add more' weight), baking soda and cinnamon. I had the ribs and I crushed into dust. I put 2 tbsp. Add cinnamon slowly up to your liking. In the end I put the egg and I got to get un'impasto malleable type dido '.. I pulled the dough with a rolling pin high (much less than a cm) shaped like a star and put it in the oven to 160. Swell a little during cooking, however, the height should be even at will .. Once baked sprinkle with powdered sugar icing. If you do not end up starting to eat more '.. Council stencil and small star shaped!
I wanted to add that today I and 'Here Comes the Swap Maya and just risco public photos. I have already 'eaten cantucci: Maya OTTIMI.grazie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1


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