good start !!!!!
In ritardissimo for a Christmas card: P I wish you a Happy New Year in advance Nuovoooo !!!!!
... that the new year is better than this, that brings a lot of serenity, peace, joy, health of body and soul and ... tantaaaaa creativity!
For 2010 we will begin to arrive on January 5 ..... great in our house a new "resident" on four legs) is a wonderful puppy NFC ... Ishwar is called and I do not I look forward to pass quickly this week to finally potermelo spupazzare!
renew again my best wishes and remaining in issue gattofilo leave you with some photos of cats of cloth sewn long ago! ..
AUGURIIII miaoooo!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tna Wrestling In On What Channel In Singapore ?
cake noodles and ... Merry Christmas !!!!!!
Come al solito le mie foto sono orrende,per completare il senso dell'orrido,ho fotografato la torta gia confezionata in quanto era una regalo da consegnare. Ho toccato veramente the bottom! However
invitation to chat! I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with the hope that you can rest and spend these days with the family in peace '...
I do with this cake that is' part of our tradition and the smell makes me 'go back through the years (even with the recipes I try ;-))
many years ago,' my mother prepared her with the base of pastry I Instead I make a tender basis which is 'proven' cause it deserves ..
ingredients for the base: 1 whole egg
50 g sugar 100 g flour 25 g butter
1 cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder
dough: 100 gr
toasted almonds and 75 grams sugar
Finally, two thin egg noodles. or make them at home and the maximum 'prepare imapsto with the addition of the pebble, or take those already' ready cool: I use those Esselunga.
pebble strictly Caselli.
Toast the almonds and chop them together with sugar when cool.
Begin to beat for good, with the whisk, egg and sugar, add melted butter and flour, then milk and yeast. pour the mixture into a small pan, I use one of Cuki round greased and floured, then gets' a layer of noodles and a mixture of almonds until exhaustion. I remain a little bag. But this must be the last layer of noodles. sprinkle with bows of butter and bake at 160 for 30 minutes, once cooked (be careful that the noodles tend to burn, then cover any) can be removed from the oven and pour over the little stone there in abundance, more 'or less than half a glass. Then you leave rafferddare.Cospargere with vanilla icing sugar.
Come al solito le mie foto sono orrende,per completare il senso dell'orrido,ho fotografato la torta gia confezionata in quanto era una regalo da consegnare. Ho toccato veramente the bottom! However
invitation to chat! I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with the hope that you can rest and spend these days with the family in peace '...
I do with this cake that is' part of our tradition and the smell makes me 'go back through the years (even with the recipes I try ;-))
many years ago,' my mother prepared her with the base of pastry I Instead I make a tender basis which is 'proven' cause it deserves ..
ingredients for the base: 1 whole egg
50 g sugar 100 g flour 25 g butter
1 cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder
dough: 100 gr
toasted almonds and 75 grams sugar
Finally, two thin egg noodles. or make them at home and the maximum 'prepare imapsto with the addition of the pebble, or take those already' ready cool: I use those Esselunga.
pebble strictly Caselli.
Toast the almonds and chop them together with sugar when cool.
Begin to beat for good, with the whisk, egg and sugar, add melted butter and flour, then milk and yeast. pour the mixture into a small pan, I use one of Cuki round greased and floured, then gets' a layer of noodles and a mixture of almonds until exhaustion. I remain a little bag. But this must be the last layer of noodles. sprinkle with bows of butter and bake at 160 for 30 minutes, once cooked (be careful that the noodles tend to burn, then cover any) can be removed from the oven and pour over the little stone there in abundance, more 'or less than half a glass. Then you leave rafferddare.Cospargere with vanilla icing sugar.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hiatal Hernia Or Gall Bladder
It 's a bit that I want to talk about the nuts detergents: they are the fruits of Sapindus mukorossi , a plant that grows in India and Nepal, the nuts contain saponin and can be used as a natural, biodegradable detergent for laundry (30 ° -90 °). Break some nuts, you put in the bag of cotton supplied to the packaging and leave in the middle of the laundry. Below 30 ° walnuts are inactive and this allows an effective rinsing. The nuts are reused 2-3 times (and therefore also cheaper) and then throw in damp. For pierced very dirty you can add bleach-sanitizing eco-friendly.
As nuts are odorless, you can smell the laundry with essential oils, such as Tea tree or lavender. Warning: if you use them for washing, laundry remains odorless. According me it is better to use them to scent drawers or a basket of clothes. In parentheses, the Tea tree oil has antibacterial and sanitizing power, so it's perfect for the bin of cloth diapers, which plagued the house will stop interfering with their scent.
I use nuts because of the washing of diapers, which work together with our clothes and baby clothes. Add the bleach Ecor, a bit 'of baking soda and vinegar instead of softener. The result is perfect.
From here an original and useful gift idea: a kit for laundry label. Take a basket and put a box of Fairtrade nuts (perfect for those Altromercato, packed in a bag of cotton produced by the same women that grow in southern India), a whitening of ecological-hygienic, a bottle of tea tree oil or lavender essential oil. On a card you can explain the gift, adding a laundry instructions and tips for environmentally friendly and respectful of rights.
Oh, I almost forgot, Merry Christmas to all!
It 's a bit that I want to talk about the nuts detergents: they are the fruits of Sapindus mukorossi , a plant that grows in India and Nepal, the nuts contain saponin and can be used as a natural, biodegradable detergent for laundry (30 ° -90 °). Break some nuts, you put in the bag of cotton supplied to the packaging and leave in the middle of the laundry. Below 30 ° walnuts are inactive and this allows an effective rinsing. The nuts are reused 2-3 times (and therefore also cheaper) and then throw in damp. For pierced very dirty you can add bleach-sanitizing eco-friendly.
As nuts are odorless, you can smell the laundry with essential oils, such as Tea tree or lavender. Warning: if you use them for washing, laundry remains odorless. According me it is better to use them to scent drawers or a basket of clothes. In parentheses, the Tea tree oil has antibacterial and sanitizing power, so it's perfect for the bin of cloth diapers, which plagued the house will stop interfering with their scent.
I use nuts because of the washing of diapers, which work together with our clothes and baby clothes. Add the bleach Ecor, a bit 'of baking soda and vinegar instead of softener. The result is perfect.
From here an original and useful gift idea: a kit for laundry label. Take a basket and put a box of Fairtrade nuts (perfect for those Altromercato, packed in a bag of cotton produced by the same women that grow in southern India), a whitening of ecological-hygienic, a bottle of tea tree oil or lavender essential oil. On a card you can explain the gift, adding a laundry instructions and tips for environmentally friendly and respectful of rights.
Oh, I almost forgot, Merry Christmas to all!
Friday, December 18, 2009
My Cable Mart Coupons
CIAOOO! Sorry if I do live very little in this period, but in addition to the efforts of cicciobotolo I have also taken up with work. I take the nap of cicciopisolo to update: the frugoletto sta bene, a parte un fastidioso raffreddore che gli tappa il nasino e gli rende difficile ingozzarsi come di consueto e dormire tranquillamente. Stanotte, per questo motivo, ha dormito "solo" otto ore e mezzo, e non le solite dieci-dodici! Ebbene sì, avete capito bene, il cicciofragolo è il sogno di ogni madre e una vera benedizione per una dormigliona come me. Se si sveglia presto, di solito non si mette a strillare, ma si ciuccia le manine e dialoga garbatamente con l'orsetto paracadutista della giostrina, senza reclamare la presenza della mamma, che può così continuare a poltrire fino a tardi o fare i mestieri.
Quando ha vera necessità mi chiama, si fa cambiare, mangia e... spesso torna a dormire!!! E non manca di farsi anche il suo bel pisolino pomeridiano.
Per il piedino torto deve indossare 23 ore al giorno un tutore che sembra uscito da un film di Tim Burton: due sandalini vagamente inquietanti, uniti da una pesante barra di metallo. Per fortuna ci è stato prescritto un nuovo modello che permette al bambino di sgambettare un po', per cui non sembra risentirne troppo. Certo ne risentiamo noi, nello scarrozzarci in braccio il pupo, ormai di sette chili, più il tutore, e ad impazzire nel trovare dei vestiti adatti. Già il cicciobotolo è veramente grosso per la sua età e ha la taglia dai sei mesi in su, poi ci sono i pannolini lavabili che lo incicciscono ulteriormente, aggiungeteci le scarpette e la barra per cui servirebbero pantaloni senza feet, with the buttons, but a little 'stretch. If I stuffed it in the sleeping bag and go, but if I put it in the car is not possible, because you have to fasten your seat belts. In short, it is a mess.
Then I said that I have taken up with work, so I do not have much time to write on the blog, to try new dishes and even to go shopping and fill the fridge, now empty constantly. I have only a couple of recipes to post backward and then I guess I'll have to go on a diet ...
Today I propose a little fun as a starter for the eyes, with no claim to real effects in camouflage notes:
"boiled eggs" TOFU
Ingredients for six half-eggs:
a loaf of fresh tofu (250 g);
a potato, tomato paste
or steam required for steam;
molds for chocolate eggs, or alternatively a boy flesh-and-spots (see below).
you need for the composition of the molds for chocolate eggs. If you did not do this:
find out whether a child lives in the neighborhood flesh-and-pimples;
position yourself fully dressed at the window and attendete che esca di casa non accompagnato (può essere necessario aspettare diverse ore, per cui consiglio di trovare una posizione comoda);
seguitelo fino al bar dove si reca abitualmente a far merenda;
mettetevi dietro di lui al bancone;
fingete di essere interessati all'ultimo Kinder Merendero ("perché non prendi quella baretta ai cereali?", ecc ecc); il viziato sarà portato inevitabilmente a comprarlo; simulate un enorme dispiacere e ordinate un caffé; nel frattempo tenete d'occhio il marmocchio;
attendete che finisca di consumare l'agglomerato di grassi e additivi e che se ne vada; correte a recuperare l'involucro;
ripetete l'operazione to obtain the necessary number of shells.
Now you can prepare eggs to tofu:
Egg: Cook potatoes to steam. Peel and mash with a fork. United tomato paste until you get the tone right. Add salt.
Album: blend the tofu.
Composition egg tofu: tofu smoothie filled the molds and pressed, crushed the surface with a circular object (such as a bottle cap) to make way for the "egg" you make a ball with the potato and crush the little hole dug out of the tofu until it is full, you put everything in the fridge for a few hours shelled gently and serve.
Quando ha vera necessità mi chiama, si fa cambiare, mangia e... spesso torna a dormire!!! E non manca di farsi anche il suo bel pisolino pomeridiano.
Per il piedino torto deve indossare 23 ore al giorno un tutore che sembra uscito da un film di Tim Burton: due sandalini vagamente inquietanti, uniti da una pesante barra di metallo. Per fortuna ci è stato prescritto un nuovo modello che permette al bambino di sgambettare un po', per cui non sembra risentirne troppo. Certo ne risentiamo noi, nello scarrozzarci in braccio il pupo, ormai di sette chili, più il tutore, e ad impazzire nel trovare dei vestiti adatti. Già il cicciobotolo è veramente grosso per la sua età e ha la taglia dai sei mesi in su, poi ci sono i pannolini lavabili che lo incicciscono ulteriormente, aggiungeteci le scarpette e la barra per cui servirebbero pantaloni senza feet, with the buttons, but a little 'stretch. If I stuffed it in the sleeping bag and go, but if I put it in the car is not possible, because you have to fasten your seat belts. In short, it is a mess.
Then I said that I have taken up with work, so I do not have much time to write on the blog, to try new dishes and even to go shopping and fill the fridge, now empty constantly. I have only a couple of recipes to post backward and then I guess I'll have to go on a diet ...
Today I propose a little fun as a starter for the eyes, with no claim to real effects in camouflage notes:
"boiled eggs" TOFU
Ingredients for six half-eggs:
a loaf of fresh tofu (250 g);
a potato, tomato paste
or steam required for steam;
molds for chocolate eggs, or alternatively a boy flesh-and-spots (see below).
you need for the composition of the molds for chocolate eggs. If you did not do this:
find out whether a child lives in the neighborhood flesh-and-pimples;
position yourself fully dressed at the window and attendete che esca di casa non accompagnato (può essere necessario aspettare diverse ore, per cui consiglio di trovare una posizione comoda);
seguitelo fino al bar dove si reca abitualmente a far merenda;
mettetevi dietro di lui al bancone;
fingete di essere interessati all'ultimo Kinder Merendero ("perché non prendi quella baretta ai cereali?", ecc ecc); il viziato sarà portato inevitabilmente a comprarlo; simulate un enorme dispiacere e ordinate un caffé; nel frattempo tenete d'occhio il marmocchio;
attendete che finisca di consumare l'agglomerato di grassi e additivi e che se ne vada; correte a recuperare l'involucro;
ripetete l'operazione to obtain the necessary number of shells.
Now you can prepare eggs to tofu:
Egg: Cook potatoes to steam. Peel and mash with a fork. United tomato paste until you get the tone right. Add salt.
Album: blend the tofu.
Composition egg tofu: tofu smoothie filled the molds and pressed, crushed the surface with a circular object (such as a bottle cap) to make way for the "egg" you make a ball with the potato and crush the little hole dug out of the tofu until it is full, you put everything in the fridge for a few hours shelled gently and serve.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ontario Driver's License Template
!!!!! ..... and is pandoro
After having read, analyzed, assessed all the recipes pandoroin my possession, my choice and 'fell on to the Morena Mint and Chocolate, a woman a certainty! Let's say that my confidence and 'was well placed as a successful preparation .... The only thing 'that the photos, as always, make pieta'e not tempt you for sure that I read in preparing this pandoro, but I can guarantee satisfaction and that instead 'was great. For this I suggest you go to visit the blog of Morena
I put the recipe verbatim Morena because it 's that I followed to the letter:
450 g strong flour
135 g sugar 4 eggs
18 g of fresh yeast
water 1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla bean
220 grams of butter
15 grams of honey
3-4 quadretti di cioccolato bianco
Per Sfogliare
Lievitino ore 10.30
15 gr di Lievito
60 gr di acqua
50 gr di farina
1 cucchiaio di zucchero
1 tuorlo
1° impasto ore 11.30
3 gr di lievito
2 cucchiaini di acqua
25 gr di zucchero
200 gr di farina 1 uovo
35 gr di crema di burro
2° impasto ore 13.00
1° impasto
2 uova
100 gr di zucchero
200 gr di farina
1 cucchiaino di sale
mettere nella ciotola gli ingredienti in ordine di scrittura e lavorare bene fino ad vorrà un bel pò quindi desistere dall'aggiungere flour but eventually you'll get beat on the table .. a smooth and not sticky ..
let rise until doubled in a warm place, then spread in a rectangle between 2 sheets of film to a thickness of about 1 cm, folded in three and refrigerate for 30 minutes ..
in the meantime spread the butter between two sheets of film to a thickness of about half a cm .. and store in refrigerator to harden well .. (best time to do this ..)..
at 15.30 ... Remove the dough from the fridge, put the butter over the 2/3..ripiegare to cover the open side and then close the wallet with the other side ..
Turn 90 degrees to 3 fold ... hang and chill for 20-30 minutes ...
Repeat this process 2 more times .. folds then fold the dough in two trying to pick a ball and place in greased mold and let rise until ... .. over the edge about 4-5 hours .. too hot to avoid places not melt the butter .. and then the tip of ritrovarselo Pandoro!
Bake at 160 degrees for 30 minutes then finish cooking at 150 ° for 30 '. Always open valve (practically in the door with a pot holder to keep it slightly open) .. anyway ... do the toothpick test cover with aluminum colors too .. if you leave at least 6 hours before turning into the mold ... I 's I left up in the morning ..
here is basically a 3-pandoro recipes! Delicious!
Dico anche che quello di Morena e' perfetto,per il mio c'e' ancora spazio per migliorare!
After having read, analyzed, assessed all the recipes pandoroin my possession, my choice and 'fell on to the Morena Mint and Chocolate, a woman a certainty! Let's say that my confidence and 'was well placed as a successful preparation .... The only thing 'that the photos, as always, make pieta'e not tempt you for sure that I read in preparing this pandoro, but I can guarantee satisfaction and that instead 'was great. For this I suggest you go to visit the blog of Morena
I put the recipe verbatim Morena because it 's that I followed to the letter:
450 g strong flour
135 g sugar 4 eggs
18 g of fresh yeast
water 1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla bean
220 grams of butter
15 grams of honey
3-4 quadretti di cioccolato bianco
Per Sfogliare
Lavorare a Pomata il burro con la vanillina (o i semini della bacca di vaniglia), il miele ed il cioccolato fuso ma non caldo...mettere a raffreddare questa crema in frigorifero dentro ad una ciotola..
Lievitino ore 10.30
15 gr di Lievito
60 gr di acqua
50 gr di farina
1 cucchiaio di zucchero
1 tuorlo
lavorare tutti gli ingredienti fino ad avere un miscuglio omogeneo...sarà piuttosto molle..
lasciare lievitare un'ora o fino al raddoppio...
lasciare lievitare un'ora o fino al raddoppio...
1° impasto ore 11.30
3 gr di lievito
2 cucchiaini di acqua
25 gr di zucchero
200 gr di farina 1 uovo
35 gr di crema di burro
2° impasto ore 13.00
1° impasto
2 uova
100 gr di zucchero
200 gr di farina
1 cucchiaino di sale
mettere nella ciotola gli ingredienti in ordine di scrittura e lavorare bene fino ad vorrà un bel pò quindi desistere dall'aggiungere flour but eventually you'll get beat on the table .. a smooth and not sticky ..
let rise until doubled in a warm place, then spread in a rectangle between 2 sheets of film to a thickness of about 1 cm, folded in three and refrigerate for 30 minutes ..
in the meantime spread the butter between two sheets of film to a thickness of about half a cm .. and store in refrigerator to harden well .. (best time to do this ..)..
at 15.30 ... Remove the dough from the fridge, put the butter over the 2/3..ripiegare to cover the open side and then close the wallet with the other side ..
Turn 90 degrees to 3 fold ... hang and chill for 20-30 minutes ...
Repeat this process 2 more times .. folds then fold the dough in two trying to pick a ball and place in greased mold and let rise until ... .. over the edge about 4-5 hours .. too hot to avoid places not melt the butter .. and then the tip of ritrovarselo Pandoro!
Bake at 160 degrees for 30 minutes then finish cooking at 150 ° for 30 '. Always open valve (practically in the door with a pot holder to keep it slightly open) .. anyway ... do the toothpick test cover with aluminum colors too .. if you leave at least 6 hours before turning into the mold ... I 's I left up in the morning ..
here is basically a 3-pandoro recipes! Delicious!
Dico anche che quello di Morena e' perfetto,per il mio c'e' ancora spazio per migliorare!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Eating A Box Of Cereal
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How Far In Advance Renew Ohio Drivers License
home in the oven: stars
Per farmi perdonare della mia latitanza vi propongo questi biscottini deliziosi che racchiudono tutto l'aroma del Natale! Forse perche',per me,cannella equivale al Natale,dichiaro che da oggi sono entrata completamente nello spirito culinario natalizio..povera la mia dieta!!!!
Questa ricettina l'ho trovata anni fa' su una rivista e da allora non l'ho piu' mollata!
100 gr miele
100 gr zucchero cane
100 g butter 400 g flour
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder cinnamon
go go
1 egg
heat in saucepan on low heat, honey , butter, sugar to dissolve it all. Go to a bowl and add the flour to start (can 'be that he should add more' weight), baking soda and cinnamon. I had the ribs and I crushed into dust. I put 2 tbsp. Add cinnamon slowly up to your liking. In the end I put the egg and I got to get un'impasto malleable type dido '.. I pulled the dough with a rolling pin high (much less than a cm) shaped like a star and put it in the oven to 160. Swell a little during cooking, however, the height should be even at will .. Once baked sprinkle with powdered sugar icing. If you do not end up starting to eat more '.. Council stencil and small star shaped!
I wanted to add that today I and 'Here Comes the Swap Maya and just risco public photos. I have already 'eaten cantucci: Maya OTTIMI.grazie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
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