for 300,000 years, the "man cub" were fed with food of their parents. For five decades or so, a tiny fraction of the time for human evolution, weans instead with "special food". There is no scientific reason to do . Semiliquid meals with and without flavor, we refer the development rather than promoting it.
pediatrics today offers modern self-weaning, which provides that children as soon as they approach to food by the parents. Gradually but directly.
were electrocuted and obviously I wanted to try it right now to give the ciccingordo pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs tofu and vegetables in the pictures. Of course it was a hit! The cicciobotolo, tasted like spaghetti al pomodoro, has opened eyes with an expression of Popeye which is full of spinach, he began waving his little arms and legs mo 'hungry bird of prey on prey, emitting giggles and squeals of satisfaction. It lacked only the smoke coming out of his ears.
So I change the menu immediately, distributing food in the previous dishes more appetizing:
weekly menu (from 7 months)
Monday | Garofalo pasta with goat cheese raw oil: and lemon (or green sauce) | polenta with a ragout of corn and millet tofu raw: lemon oil, wheat germ, sesame sauce |
Tuesday | rings with Garofalo sauce with lentils raw: oil and lemon juice (or parsley), yeast, seeds | with miso soup Allegra mashed potatoes raw: oil and lemon, germ wheat seeds |
Wednesday | Garofalo spaghetti with tomatoes and yeast, seeds egg with oil and lemon (or green sauce) | Light soup with peas raw: oil and lemon juice (or parsley), wheat germ, seeds |
GIOVEDÌ | minestrina Completa con grana puré di patate a crudo: olio e limone, germe di grano, semi | polentina taragna con sugo ai piselli a crudo: olio e limone |
VENERDÌ | stelline di kamut con tofu/fiocchi di soia con verdure a crudo: olio e limone (o prezzemolo), salsa di sesamo | minestrina Leggera con miso e verdure a crudo: olio e limone, germe di grano, semi |
SABATO | pastina Garofalo al sugo con lievito e semi formaggino di capra con olio e limone (o salsa verde) | polentina di mais e miglio con sugo alle lenticchie a crudo: olio e limone, semi |
DOMENICA | pastina della nonna a crudo: olio e limone | minestrina ai 4 cereali con legumes raw: oil and lemon juice, wheat germ, seeds |
2 / 3 portions of fruit with cream of almonds or hazelnuts or peanuts
2 / 3 bottle of Neolatte (+ cookie)
As will publish recipes and photos of various dishes.
In general I tried to avoid grains with gluten for lunch and dinner, for the reasons I have explained in previous posts. The pastries
Garofalo are those for children (I took the pack with four different types), the stars di Kamut Ecor, le minestrine L'origine "degli gnomi" Leggera (miglio, riso, mais, grano saraceno), Allegra (grano duro, ortica, bietola rossa, carota), Completa (grano duro, orzo, miglio, segala, avena, grano saraceno, ortica, bietola rossa, carota), ai 4 cereali (grano duro, miglio, riso, orzo).
Le polentine sono fatte con la taragna precotta Biovitagral e con il mais precotto Ecor insieme al miglio per bimbi della Holle.
Il puré di patate lo faccio con il Neolatte. Penso che le mamme che allattano esclusivamente potrebbero tirarsi il latte e usare quello materno, sempre che ne abbiano a sufficienza poi per le poppate. Io ho provato ad usare il latte soy but did not like. Maybe it's still early.
The rest is what I said about extra virgin olive oil and other seasonings . There are indications as I have scored in the menu to remind me to give them all'ingordo, but it is not necessarily put them in the first or second, for lunch or dinner. At various times. For example, the sesame sauce tend to give it to him in part because it has a very strong flavor and covers one of the dishes. Then do not really like the Puccini. I think I will give him in his place the sesame seeds crushed. The yeast is well with tomato sauce. You can always dress the pasta with the "veg parmesan", which contains seeds, yeast and wheat germ.
As a source of vitamin C necessary for the absorption of iron, you can freely use the lemon juice (few drops raw) of finely chopped parsley or a green sauce. always made of parsley and olive oil.
To cook use frozen cubes of vegetables, lentils, peas, tofu. The soybean flakes I make them fresh even by curdling milk with lemon juice.
The egg is now baked in a ceramic pan without oil: a finger to the boiling stock and I do cook until absorbed. A raw Dress with olive oil and lemon juice.
I decreased slightly animal protein, always include the most one portion per day.
While the rest of the week to eat vegetarian cappuccino (bio), on Sunday there is always the grandmother's dish (fish or chicken). I hope at least to require organic materials, because the cappuccino has accused some discomfort with the chicken, perhaps seasoned with hormones and antibiotics.
only vice, you have read the cookie in milk, snack. Shame on me that I made him try. I put in the bottle, fruit and almond cream, or risk not give him enough.
the next with further information!
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