fried dumplings e. .. BONUS!
Mardi gras I exaggerated! as well as having done the frappe in the late afternoon, I thought to end the carnival with the fried dumplings. In the area of \u200b\u200bModena
calls us so 'and it' food as this characteristic, together with tigelle in restaurants in the area and our mountains. It 's always a good food, accompanied by sausage, but finally, the black cherry jam!
I am posting the recipe for 5 servings: 500 g flour
200/250ml of carbonated water mixed with milk, or even carbonated water
2 nice pinch of salt 1 knob of lard
2 teaspoons of baking pies or a bit 'bicarbonate
Mix with the robot, until a nice ball smooth and soft. Maybe a little work 'by hand on the rest tagliere.Lasciare from 20 to 30 minutes and then, without reshuffle, cut slices of dough, flatten and pull with the empire in the first or second hole. from these languages \u200b\u200bare cut diamonds average (at will) and when you are 'ready with all the pieces already' ready on trays or you begin to fry in oil or (and it 'the best) in lard. and 'a matter of a few seconds, turn the piece .. and second, with salami go go .. slurp!
now turn to the prize that I won Frances Pots and joy. Thank you Francesca,mia amica di swap natalizio,per aver pensato a me.. Ultimamente non sono brava nei vostri confronti perche' passo poco dai vostri blog e quando lo faccio,raramente riesco a lasciare i commenti come fate voi con me,che siete sempre presenti.. Grazie Francesca e grazie a tutte le altre perche' ci siete!!!!
devo elencare 10 cose che mi rendono felice:
prendermi cura della mia casa e della mia famiglia(anche se....meglio tacere;-))
vivere al mare e l'estate
le mie amiche e amici(quelli veri!!)
ascoltare la musica
sentirmi utile al prossimo
stare a tavola in relax con persone che meritano
i mille interessi quotidiani che mi aiutano a tenermi "sveglia"
il mio turno del sabato mattina in Croce Rossa
ne avrei altri mille da scrivere!!!ma vi ho gia' annoiato abbastanza anche perche' sono forse desideri banali,pero' sentiti..
un abbraccio forte!!!
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