Riporto qui un interessante articolo pubblicato Today on the 17/02/2010.
A clinic to learn how to grow without steaks
It is located in Verona. It is aimed at mothers and fathers to feed their children vegetables. The mission: teaching how to manage the green foods. Without risking nutritional deficiencies
Daniela Cipolloni-Photo Marco Bruzzo
Verona, February
"My husband and I are vegetarian. We believe it is a pity to eat animal foods. And I do without. When did Beatrice, the decision is more natural stata adottare gli stessi principi alimentari anche per lei. La stiamo svezzando senza carne né pesce. La bimba ha un anno, cresce. E il pediatra dice che sta benissimo".
Francesca, 30 anni, e Stefano, 32, di Cremona, difendono la loro scelta. Insolita, controcorrente, forse estrema.
"Per molti è incomprensibile, se non irresponsabile, nutrire un figlio in modo vegetariano. Ma non siamo né scriteriati, né fanatici", continua Francesca. "Tant'è che ci siamo rivolti a un centro specializzato".
Ci troviamo a Verona, nella sala d'attesa dell'Unità di diabetologia, nutrizione clinica e obesità, della Ulss 20, presso l'Ospedale di Borgo Roma, dove ha aperto i battenti il primo ambulatorio public vegetarian nutrition for infants and children.
In a few months, the Centre is unique in Italy, has become a beacon for a vegetarian family, confused between the fear of jeopardizing the health of children and the desire not to contravene the ethical principles (for info, tel. 045-82.05. 891).
Other strollers waiting his turn to visit. Sophia and Blue, the "patients" as young as soon as 6 months.
smart choice
"They call us from all over Italy," says Leonardo Pinelli, a pediatrician at the University of Verona and director of the service.
"They look for reliable answers. Seven million vegetarians are left to themselves, they often feel under attack. The refusal homogenized to offer beef, turkey, lamb, but also bass or hake, surprises even the pediatricians, who try to persuade parents to review the positions, labeled as risky in the early stages of life. Not so. If followed carefully, "said Pinelli," vegetarianism can ensure optimal growth and development of children. L ' American Dietetic Association considers it appropriate in all stages of life, from birth to old age, including pregnancy and lactation.
trick is to balance the food so that does not lack any nutrients. "For the first meals, starting from six months to a year of age, you can start with a cream of cereals, the main source of complex carbohydrates, preferably without gluten, such as rice, maize, millet, buckwheat, then the other, wheat, barley, oats, barley, preferably wholemeal. The beans should be soaked for at least 12 hours, boiled in the past to remove the fiber, "says dietitian Ilaria Fasan, meeting the training for parents struggling with weaning" green ".
" The gut in the first phase Life is not suitable to digest too much fiber. Carefully top with the vegetables: carrots, zucchini, boiled potatoes to the broth, to be introduced by 7-8 months, and before it is advisable to filter the cooking water, to flavor and color to meals, as well as vitamins and minerals ".
essential ingredient baby-meal is a teaspoon of vegetables, protein source for excellence. "Perfect in weaning are peeled red lentils, which do not need a food mill. Then you can bring peas and azuki beans blacks, chickpeas, lentils, green and brown, and the eighth month on the other legumes, such as considering optimal dose gradually reach a portion of vegetables for two to cereals. Even the tofu, digestible and low in fiber, can be given immediately. "
Basic preparation: the vegetables should be left in water a day, cooked for a long time, perhaps with a piece of kombu seaweed (rich in iron, calcium, iodine and omega-3), and in the past. "The process serve a idratare il legume ed eliminare gran parte dei fitati, le sostanze anti-nutrienti che inibiscono l'assorbimento dei minerali", precisa Fasan.
Nelle diete latto-ovo-vegetariane, che a differenza delle vegane ammettono il consumo di uova e latticini, si può aggiungere alla pappa del formaggio fresco, per esempio ricotta o fiocchi di latte, in alternativa ai legumi. "Per condire, bene tutta la frutta secca (noci, mandorle, nocciole) e i semi oleaginosi (lino, sesamo, girasole), polverizzati con il macinacaffè. Forniscono nutrienti essenziali, come acidi grassi omega-3, ferro, calcio, zinco e vitamine del gruppo B", raccomanda ancora la dietista.
Ma un'alimentazione vegetariana raffazzonata, specie se la mamma not breastfeeding, it could cause serious food shortages, with the risk of anemia, rickets, poor growth and neurological damage, as the Bible warns parents of "green" Sons vegetarians, the pediatrician Luciano Proietti. "For years, this diet has been demonized. Today, it is shown that, if well organized, comprehensive and healthy," reassures Pinelli. "The protein requirement is met by combining the cereal, which do not contain all the amino acids of the meat along with vegetables, which offset the remaining amino acids. Iron, then, is abundant in the plant world. It can improve the absorption (less efficient legumes than the iron of beef) with vitamin C vegetables e della frutta. Pure il calcio si trova facilmente: in verdure a foglia verde, legumi, tofu naturale, mandorle, sesamo, semi oleosi, lette di soia arricchito, e soprattutto nell'acqua".
Unico grande assente, delle diete vegane più rigide, è la vitamina B12, necessaria allo sviluppo del sistema nervoso. "Se si eliminano carne, uova e derivati del latte, bisogna assumere integratori". E comunque al Centro di Verona i bimbi vengono attentamente seguiti nella crescita con regolari esami. "I vegetariani sono in genere più magri e sani di chi segue un'alimentazione occidentale, soprattutto perché più attenti a ciò che mangiano", ammette Andrea Ghiselli, ricercatore dell'Istituto nazionale di ricerca per gli alimenti and nutrition. "But the diet with the greatest benefits is the Mediterranean, which is so dominated plant, but in which there are extremely important foods: meat, eggs, milk and fish."
the concerns Forward
some concern Eugenio Del Toma, president of the Italian Association of Dietetics and clinical nutrition. "The supply of lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet is acceptable and even useful in adults, but not as recommended in childhood, where it can become a force even on a psychological level." "Imposing? No," smiled Frank, Beatrice while breastfeeding. "If in three years, asylum, will want for a steak, not barred from doing so. When she's older, we explain the reasons vegetarians. And I hope you will understand. "
Daniela Cipolloni
box but without the milk ...
Vegetarians need of baby-milk. Feedings, exclusive meals for the first 6 months, should be part lion in the first year of life, better yet up to the second. If the milk is missing, it opts for milk formula, that nourished (almost) as the natural one. Note to all mothers: do not cow's milk first the year. "Cow's milk is not suitable for young children: it has too much protein (risk of obesity), and is low in iron (anemia and risk of delays in cognitive development), "said Claudio Maffeis, a pediatrician at the University of Verona." He has a few vitamins A, D, C, zinc and essential fatty acids, in excess of fats, sodium and saturated fatty acids.
the vegans beware: the milk plant can not replace breast milk. "It can be introduced after 6 months as a snack or added to soup as a base liquid", specifies the dietitian Ilaria Fasan. "After 6 months, you can try to make almond milk and rice , then the hazelnut milk, amaranth, millet. Waiting for the soy milk in the first year of age.
A comment, I would just like to point out the inconsistency of the only objections specialists Vegetarian weaning:
vegetarians are healthier, but the vegetarian diet is not the most healthy, this is speaks for itself;
is useful for adults but in children could be a psychological forcing.
This would be the greatest danger? Forcing the psychology of a child a few months? In what sense? How could you avoid this disaster?
that it never "impose" something for our children, for heaven's sake! Least of food education! If parents think there are extremists who force their children psychologically forbidding them junk food, biological or even requiring healthy food! But they do not realize that health does not matter right in front of the primary approval? On this subject I suggest you also
Sons vegetarian Luciano Proietti and numerous materials on this site True momòm .
you soon!
A clinic to learn how to grow without steaks
It is located in Verona. It is aimed at mothers and fathers to feed their children vegetables. The mission: teaching how to manage the green foods. Without risking nutritional deficiencies
Daniela Cipolloni-Photo Marco Bruzzo
Verona, February
"My husband and I are vegetarian. We believe it is a pity to eat animal foods. And I do without. When did Beatrice, the decision is more natural stata adottare gli stessi principi alimentari anche per lei. La stiamo svezzando senza carne né pesce. La bimba ha un anno, cresce. E il pediatra dice che sta benissimo".
Francesca, 30 anni, e Stefano, 32, di Cremona, difendono la loro scelta. Insolita, controcorrente, forse estrema.
"Per molti è incomprensibile, se non irresponsabile, nutrire un figlio in modo vegetariano. Ma non siamo né scriteriati, né fanatici", continua Francesca. "Tant'è che ci siamo rivolti a un centro specializzato".
Ci troviamo a Verona, nella sala d'attesa dell'Unità di diabetologia, nutrizione clinica e obesità, della Ulss 20, presso l'Ospedale di Borgo Roma, dove ha aperto i battenti il primo ambulatorio public vegetarian nutrition for infants and children.
In a few months, the Centre is unique in Italy, has become a beacon for a vegetarian family, confused between the fear of jeopardizing the health of children and the desire not to contravene the ethical principles (for info, tel. 045-82.05. 891).
Other strollers waiting his turn to visit. Sophia and Blue, the "patients" as young as soon as 6 months.
smart choice
"They call us from all over Italy," says Leonardo Pinelli, a pediatrician at the University of Verona and director of the service.
"They look for reliable answers. Seven million vegetarians are left to themselves, they often feel under attack. The refusal homogenized to offer beef, turkey, lamb, but also bass or hake, surprises even the pediatricians, who try to persuade parents to review the positions, labeled as risky in the early stages of life. Not so. If followed carefully, "said Pinelli," vegetarianism can ensure optimal growth and development of children. L ' American Dietetic Association considers it appropriate in all stages of life, from birth to old age, including pregnancy and lactation.
trick is to balance the food so that does not lack any nutrients. "For the first meals, starting from six months to a year of age, you can start with a cream of cereals, the main source of complex carbohydrates, preferably without gluten, such as rice, maize, millet, buckwheat, then the other, wheat, barley, oats, barley, preferably wholemeal. The beans should be soaked for at least 12 hours, boiled in the past to remove the fiber, "says dietitian Ilaria Fasan, meeting the training for parents struggling with weaning" green ".
" The gut in the first phase Life is not suitable to digest too much fiber. Carefully top with the vegetables: carrots, zucchini, boiled potatoes to the broth, to be introduced by 7-8 months, and before it is advisable to filter the cooking water, to flavor and color to meals, as well as vitamins and minerals ".
essential ingredient baby-meal is a teaspoon of vegetables, protein source for excellence. "Perfect in weaning are peeled red lentils, which do not need a food mill. Then you can bring peas and azuki beans blacks, chickpeas, lentils, green and brown, and the eighth month on the other legumes, such as considering optimal dose gradually reach a portion of vegetables for two to cereals. Even the tofu, digestible and low in fiber, can be given immediately. "
Basic preparation: the vegetables should be left in water a day, cooked for a long time, perhaps with a piece of kombu seaweed (rich in iron, calcium, iodine and omega-3), and in the past. "The process serve a idratare il legume ed eliminare gran parte dei fitati, le sostanze anti-nutrienti che inibiscono l'assorbimento dei minerali", precisa Fasan.
Nelle diete latto-ovo-vegetariane, che a differenza delle vegane ammettono il consumo di uova e latticini, si può aggiungere alla pappa del formaggio fresco, per esempio ricotta o fiocchi di latte, in alternativa ai legumi. "Per condire, bene tutta la frutta secca (noci, mandorle, nocciole) e i semi oleaginosi (lino, sesamo, girasole), polverizzati con il macinacaffè. Forniscono nutrienti essenziali, come acidi grassi omega-3, ferro, calcio, zinco e vitamine del gruppo B", raccomanda ancora la dietista.
Ma un'alimentazione vegetariana raffazzonata, specie se la mamma not breastfeeding, it could cause serious food shortages, with the risk of anemia, rickets, poor growth and neurological damage, as the Bible warns parents of "green" Sons vegetarians, the pediatrician Luciano Proietti. "For years, this diet has been demonized. Today, it is shown that, if well organized, comprehensive and healthy," reassures Pinelli. "The protein requirement is met by combining the cereal, which do not contain all the amino acids of the meat along with vegetables, which offset the remaining amino acids. Iron, then, is abundant in the plant world. It can improve the absorption (less efficient legumes than the iron of beef) with vitamin C vegetables e della frutta. Pure il calcio si trova facilmente: in verdure a foglia verde, legumi, tofu naturale, mandorle, sesamo, semi oleosi, lette di soia arricchito, e soprattutto nell'acqua".
Unico grande assente, delle diete vegane più rigide, è la vitamina B12, necessaria allo sviluppo del sistema nervoso. "Se si eliminano carne, uova e derivati del latte, bisogna assumere integratori". E comunque al Centro di Verona i bimbi vengono attentamente seguiti nella crescita con regolari esami. "I vegetariani sono in genere più magri e sani di chi segue un'alimentazione occidentale, soprattutto perché più attenti a ciò che mangiano", ammette Andrea Ghiselli, ricercatore dell'Istituto nazionale di ricerca per gli alimenti and nutrition. "But the diet with the greatest benefits is the Mediterranean, which is so dominated plant, but in which there are extremely important foods: meat, eggs, milk and fish."
the concerns Forward
some concern Eugenio Del Toma, president of the Italian Association of Dietetics and clinical nutrition. "The supply of lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet is acceptable and even useful in adults, but not as recommended in childhood, where it can become a force even on a psychological level." "Imposing? No," smiled Frank, Beatrice while breastfeeding. "If in three years, asylum, will want for a steak, not barred from doing so. When she's older, we explain the reasons vegetarians. And I hope you will understand. "
Daniela Cipolloni
box but without the milk ...
Vegetarians need of baby-milk. Feedings, exclusive meals for the first 6 months, should be part lion in the first year of life, better yet up to the second. If the milk is missing, it opts for milk formula, that nourished (almost) as the natural one. Note to all mothers: do not cow's milk first the year. "Cow's milk is not suitable for young children: it has too much protein (risk of obesity), and is low in iron (anemia and risk of delays in cognitive development), "said Claudio Maffeis, a pediatrician at the University of Verona." He has a few vitamins A, D, C, zinc and essential fatty acids, in excess of fats, sodium and saturated fatty acids.
the vegans beware: the milk plant can not replace breast milk. "It can be introduced after 6 months as a snack or added to soup as a base liquid", specifies the dietitian Ilaria Fasan. "After 6 months, you can try to make almond milk and rice , then the hazelnut milk, amaranth, millet. Waiting for the soy milk in the first year of age.
A comment, I would just like to point out the inconsistency of the only objections specialists Vegetarian weaning:
vegetarians are healthier, but the vegetarian diet is not the most healthy, this is speaks for itself;
is useful for adults but in children could be a psychological forcing.
This would be the greatest danger? Forcing the psychology of a child a few months? In what sense? How could you avoid this disaster?
that it never "impose" something for our children, for heaven's sake! Least of food education! If parents think there are extremists who force their children psychologically forbidding them junk food, biological or even requiring healthy food! But they do not realize that health does not matter right in front of the primary approval? On this subject I suggest you also
Sons vegetarian Luciano Proietti and numerous materials on this site True momòm .
you soon!