Another article on weaning a vegetarian, found in the March 2010 collection.
no to meat (and fish) from infants? An extreme proposal? No, what is proposed on 1 clinic for children of vegetarian
Shamiran Zadnich
Vegetarians are born or made? Correct answer in both cases. Today, more and more clear and precise beliefs adequacy of a diet without meat for a healthy life.
The American Dietetic Association, for example, said recently that a vegetarian or vegan diet, if well planned, is safe at all stages of life, including pregnancy and first few months. Safe means that maintains the health and preventive of many diseases, so that one study says that among vegetarians cholesterol levels and hypertension are below average, as well as the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. "40% of the disease depends on diet and lifestyle," says Professor Leonardo Pinelli, vice president of the Scientific Society of Vegetarian Nutrition UOC and Director of Diabetes, Clinical Nutrition and Obesity dell'Università di Verona, dove ha aperto l'unico ambulatorio pubblico italiano per bambini vegetariani (vedi box qui sotto). A partire dai neonati. «La maggior parte delle famiglie che si rivolge a noi ha già intrapreso una scelta vegetariana, ma ha bisogno di indicazioni mirate quando nasce un bambino. Tuttavia sono benvenuti anche coloro che, grazie alla nascita di un figlio, desiderano provare questa scelta di salute», spiega Pinelli.
Ma come funziona lo svezzamento, tolti dal menu agnello, coniglio, manzo e persino pesce? «Innanzi tutto, si consiglia l'allattamento materno prolungato e il passaggio alle pappe all'inizio del 6° mese, quando l'apparato digerente del bambino è maturo per ricevere alimenti diversi dal latte. È importante iniziare con il regime vegetariano fin da subito perché è allora che si forma e orienta il gusto: se introduco cibi grassi, sapidi o dolci rendo sensibili alcune papille gustative e non altre, che a lungo andare non sapranno più assaporare gusti neutri (frutta e verdura). Bene, quindi, la classica mela grattugiata e le pappe a base di brodo vegetale e crema di riso o semolino. In realtà, servono poche proteine e pochi grassi animali poiché più proteine vengono assunte, maggiori sono le cellule adipose che si costituiscono. Questo avviene soprattutto in certe fasi of life - pregnancy, 1 year and puberty - a hormonal mechanism that is developing tanks fat. " And more flesh means more risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
Then, using less protein. But the few, where to find them? "The cereals contain 4 of the 9 essential amino acids, while meat contains good quantities all 9," continues Professor Pinelli, "and other amino acids found in vegetables. By combining the grain legumes, it has the same result of the mixture. They are peasant dishes : pasta and beans, rice and peas or lentils, pasta and chickpeas. A baby's first vegetarian jelly protein is made with 10-15 grams of red lentils peeled, not to overdo the fiber, which at this removes nutrient absorption. The ideal proportion of cereals and pulses is 3 to 1 . Following peas, beans of all varieties, chick peas, always kept in dry and soak at least 24 hours and then deprived of the fiber with a masher. All vegetables are suitable for stock and 18 months can be offered whole, as well as fruit, always choose the season. "
Vegetables for lunch and dinner? "It is not necessary, a paste can be prepared with fresh cheese and the following will be of cereals and vegetables. not forget that the baby continues to nurse until one year, a true food and drink. " It means that after the mother's milk is recommended not to switch to cow's milk? "Yes, after years of cow's milk does not help, we are the only mammals to consume. You may bring the rice milk or almond protein and less fat, or that of soy. " If you give up the meat begins to be a common feeling, because, however, also give the fish, which is rich in Omega 3 famous protective of health? "The fish, especially the blue has better features than the meat. The problem is that a lot of fish comes from farms. It means that 15 kg of fish are grown in 1 cubic meter of water. To prevent infection antibiotics are paid in the tanks, that are then in the pot. The street is also vegetarian
induced global situation in 2007, the Food and Drug Association has estimated that the risk of developing serious illnesses is 8 times higher among those who eat more than 80 grams of red meat per day . A risk drops 20% in the case of meat from animals fed on pasture and not in the herd. That's because you have become accustomed from childhood to consume less, focusing on quality of products. When it's time to introduce the egg , for example, after one year of age, be sure to make a purchase safe in this sense. "
Then, we will be born a vegetarian?
no Iron?
"There are no vegetarian anemic. It is true that meat contains iron, but less than cereals, legumes and seeds. The difference lies in the absorption, that the meat is more rapid and complete. Other foods, however, need the iron is transported by vitamin C , which when taken together form the iron-ascorbate. The minimum amount of vegetables and fruit to eat during the day is 5-6 servings, better if you get to 8 or 9 .
As for seeds, 35 g of walnuts give an optimal dose of Omega 3. But all the seeds in the diet of children work : almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, sesame, pumpkin. We can all grind and then give even the smallest.
where's the football?
Empty Bottle. Remove the milk from the diet of children hypothesis is perhaps the most "powerful" say no to meat. But where to get the Football, which serves to bone health? "The excess of phosphorus and sodium introduced with meats and cheeses, is removed from the body through the urine, with the help of calcium, which is thus lost.
As you recover? With sesame, green leafy vegetables, pulses, oilseeds and above the water. "
Verona Green
practical support to the already vegetarian, but accessible to all those who wish to pursue a new path green food, surgery led by Professor Leonardo Pinelli is located at the operating unit complex of Paediatric Nutrition and Diabetes - University of Verona and USSL 20. do not need a doctor's prescription base, grab the appointment to the numbers 045/8124722 045/1244792 or to book a visit, also from out of town or from outside the region .
For infants or children , is expected to control children and, if necessary, specific laboratory tests. The data collected outpatient the activity served to demonstrate the effectiveness of vegetarian for good growth and development and for the prevention of certain diseases.
no to meat (and fish) from infants? An extreme proposal? No, what is proposed on 1 clinic for children of vegetarian
Shamiran Zadnich
Vegetarians are born or made? Correct answer in both cases. Today, more and more clear and precise beliefs adequacy of a diet without meat for a healthy life.
The American Dietetic Association, for example, said recently that a vegetarian or vegan diet, if well planned, is safe at all stages of life, including pregnancy and first few months. Safe means that maintains the health and preventive of many diseases, so that one study says that among vegetarians cholesterol levels and hypertension are below average, as well as the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. "40% of the disease depends on diet and lifestyle," says Professor Leonardo Pinelli, vice president of the Scientific Society of Vegetarian Nutrition UOC and Director of Diabetes, Clinical Nutrition and Obesity dell'Università di Verona, dove ha aperto l'unico ambulatorio pubblico italiano per bambini vegetariani (vedi box qui sotto). A partire dai neonati. «La maggior parte delle famiglie che si rivolge a noi ha già intrapreso una scelta vegetariana, ma ha bisogno di indicazioni mirate quando nasce un bambino. Tuttavia sono benvenuti anche coloro che, grazie alla nascita di un figlio, desiderano provare questa scelta di salute», spiega Pinelli.
Ma come funziona lo svezzamento, tolti dal menu agnello, coniglio, manzo e persino pesce? «Innanzi tutto, si consiglia l'allattamento materno prolungato e il passaggio alle pappe all'inizio del 6° mese, quando l'apparato digerente del bambino è maturo per ricevere alimenti diversi dal latte. È importante iniziare con il regime vegetariano fin da subito perché è allora che si forma e orienta il gusto: se introduco cibi grassi, sapidi o dolci rendo sensibili alcune papille gustative e non altre, che a lungo andare non sapranno più assaporare gusti neutri (frutta e verdura). Bene, quindi, la classica mela grattugiata e le pappe a base di brodo vegetale e crema di riso o semolino. In realtà, servono poche proteine e pochi grassi animali poiché più proteine vengono assunte, maggiori sono le cellule adipose che si costituiscono. Questo avviene soprattutto in certe fasi of life - pregnancy, 1 year and puberty - a hormonal mechanism that is developing tanks fat. " And more flesh means more risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
Then, using less protein. But the few, where to find them? "The cereals contain 4 of the 9 essential amino acids, while meat contains good quantities all 9," continues Professor Pinelli, "and other amino acids found in vegetables. By combining the grain legumes, it has the same result of the mixture. They are peasant dishes : pasta and beans, rice and peas or lentils, pasta and chickpeas. A baby's first vegetarian jelly protein is made with 10-15 grams of red lentils peeled, not to overdo the fiber, which at this removes nutrient absorption. The ideal proportion of cereals and pulses is 3 to 1 . Following peas, beans of all varieties, chick peas, always kept in dry and soak at least 24 hours and then deprived of the fiber with a masher. All vegetables are suitable for stock and 18 months can be offered whole, as well as fruit, always choose the season. "
Vegetables for lunch and dinner? "It is not necessary, a paste can be prepared with fresh cheese and the following will be of cereals and vegetables. not forget that the baby continues to nurse until one year, a true food and drink. " It means that after the mother's milk is recommended not to switch to cow's milk? "Yes, after years of cow's milk does not help, we are the only mammals to consume. You may bring the rice milk or almond protein and less fat, or that of soy. " If you give up the meat begins to be a common feeling, because, however, also give the fish, which is rich in Omega 3 famous protective of health? "The fish, especially the blue has better features than the meat. The problem is that a lot of fish comes from farms. It means that 15 kg of fish are grown in 1 cubic meter of water. To prevent infection antibiotics are paid in the tanks, that are then in the pot. The street is also vegetarian
induced global situation in 2007, the Food and Drug Association has estimated that the risk of developing serious illnesses is 8 times higher among those who eat more than 80 grams of red meat per day . A risk drops 20% in the case of meat from animals fed on pasture and not in the herd. That's because you have become accustomed from childhood to consume less, focusing on quality of products. When it's time to introduce the egg , for example, after one year of age, be sure to make a purchase safe in this sense. "
Then, we will be born a vegetarian?
no Iron?
"There are no vegetarian anemic. It is true that meat contains iron, but less than cereals, legumes and seeds. The difference lies in the absorption, that the meat is more rapid and complete. Other foods, however, need the iron is transported by vitamin C , which when taken together form the iron-ascorbate. The minimum amount of vegetables and fruit to eat during the day is 5-6 servings, better if you get to 8 or 9 .
As for seeds, 35 g of walnuts give an optimal dose of Omega 3. But all the seeds in the diet of children work : almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, sesame, pumpkin. We can all grind and then give even the smallest.
where's the football?
Empty Bottle. Remove the milk from the diet of children hypothesis is perhaps the most "powerful" say no to meat. But where to get the Football, which serves to bone health? "The excess of phosphorus and sodium introduced with meats and cheeses, is removed from the body through the urine, with the help of calcium, which is thus lost.
As you recover? With sesame, green leafy vegetables, pulses, oilseeds and above the water. "
Verona Green
practical support to the already vegetarian, but accessible to all those who wish to pursue a new path green food, surgery led by Professor Leonardo Pinelli is located at the operating unit complex of Paediatric Nutrition and Diabetes - University of Verona and USSL 20. do not need a doctor's prescription base, grab the appointment to the numbers 045/8124722 045/1244792 or to book a visit, also from out of town or from outside the region .
For infants or children , is expected to control children and, if necessary, specific laboratory tests. The data collected outpatient the activity served to demonstrate the effectiveness of vegetarian for good growth and development and for the prevention of certain diseases.
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