Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Cervical Mucus Thick White
year at the fair in Vicenza, I bought a pattern of a goose to stand Bee mad, thinking to realize it now, but like so often happens, I put them away, that I had almost forgotten among the many models that lie in different folders.
days ago, looking for a pattern, I have had in my hands and I immediately realized. I really liked how come, and now show it to you
Un saluto ed a presto con nuovi lavori già in cantiere.  Pina
Monday, November 22, 2010
21st Black And White Birthday Wording
I could not resist .... is stronger than me ....
as the saying? = .... Maybe not all silver lining ....
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Homemade Sleeping Aid
Ringrazio mia figlia Monia per avermi passato il testimone di questo blog.
Voglio presentarmi a tutti voi: mi chiamo Pina ho 56 anni, sono una ragioniera ma ho sempre fatto la casalinga con la passione del cucito e del lavoro a maglia fin da piccola. Il lavoro della casalinga non mi è mai pesato, in quanto mi ha dato la possibilità di dar sfogo alle mie passioni organizzandomi come meglio ho creduto.
Our house is always a work in progress "for creative projects made by me, and artifacts to decorate the house, built by my husband.
Now enough talking, step to show you what I've done recently on the committee.
soon with new creations!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What Should I Eat If I Think I Have Collitis
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Games Exactly Like Poptropica
However you quickly update: pregnancy procedure de well but I seem to burst. The mini is definitely the most energetic of the Puccini and does nothing but massacre internal organs by dint of kicks and maneuvers. suspect is digging with their bare hands to escape.
not wait to bowl and I do not understand how it can grow for another month. In short, it seems to me already abnormal ... but what do you want to be?
Vabbeh, still missing a little from ... Next week I visit the gynecologist at the end of the month prericovero, around December 10 the section.
In the meantime, however, have yet to start renovation work full bathroom, which oblige me to go back to my mother for ten days. You can imagine the inconvenience.
At least we finished the chapter on "family car purchase" and we just have to wait for the arrival the Kangoo: it was a bit 'difficult to put two kids in the old Matiz!
Puccini, soon 14 months, grows well; walk safely and shipped it says a few words: mother, father, grandmother, baby food, pucci, tac, cra cra (toward the frog), ba (u) ba (u) , deng (the bell), Jesus (yes, and always wants to kiss the crucifix! If it were not for his excessive passion for Belen, Incontrada, Hunziker and all orders of supermarkets, think of a priestly vocation very early ... ), burr (cutting), ra (wood); means everything and loves books, likes animals, especially cats, dogs, ladybugs, owls, birds, spiders ; crazy for the moon (he's a poet!) Loves pots and pans, irons, brooms and mops, which cleans the whole house dancing and now is playing the harmonica for mom!
Above is a child happy to be alive, always smiling pre . He knows that his brother is coming in and kissing the belly of the mother, the Tesorone.
I have a little 'things to tell you about the vaccinations, but it is a complex speech and is best done in a separate post.
Now run away, which I have neglected too much cicciobotolo ...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Period Without Any Blood
"Politicians have their own ethics ... all of them ...
And it's a notch below that of a sex maniac! "