Monday, March 22, 2010

Battery Powered Clip On Desk Fan

PRIMA PAPPA and various outlets (1)

010.gif CIAOOO! First of all I apologize for the long absence, but I started with the work and I also do the meals to the cappuccino, so I am very busy. The cicciolocusta is a biblical and greed to feed only occupies most of my day.
But you better do some 'order:

the situation has improved family: my sister is still in hospital but getting better and grandmother Puccioni, still limping but dopata d 'love for Puccini, heroically manages to crawl up to our house to take care del "suo bambino";

ho ripreso a lavorare dopo ben tre settimane di assenza in cui la scuola non mi ha sostituito, con mio enorme disappunto. Sapete che sono insegnante di sostegno e trovo scandaloso che il supporto agli alunni in difficoltà sia tanto svalutato. Per chiarirci, quando in passato ho chiesto permessi sono arrivati a rispondermi cose del tipo: "nessun problema, tanto lei è di sostegno e non dobbiamo sostituirla". Per non parlare dei bidelli che mi chiedono se prendo lo stesso stipendio anche "se non insegno" o come mai partecipo anch'io ai consigli di classe.
L'altro giorno la goccia che ha fatto traboccare il vaso: mi piazzano una supplenza, in una classe non mia, hour when I see a child with severe difficulties. And they are also surprised that I have refused! "It's good that they are supporting and that counts for nothing, but I have to go to class to teach," I replied. This ladykylie31.gif
while meditating to stay home as little as possible for the operation of cappuccino, fearing that the school would not take no for me. At that point we've seen more and I asked two months, from April 12 to June 12. Then I informed the boys of their rights and I invited them to put pressure on the school asking them to nominate an alternate. I took so long because it can not be justified on the grounds of brevity, the argument of absence (for a few days ...").
If the school has the courage to let the students (one has the maturity!) Without a special education teacher until the end of the year, I hope that families make a complaint and claim damages, because it would be really disgusting.

A e have resulted from the Puccini private pediatrician for weaning a vegetarian and we were sadly disappointed. Yes, no problem, just give the usual iron supplements. popo-24.gif We say that there is a center in Verona where they make vegetarian without weaning, and he says, "but it's easier to give the iron." "Do not worry, take the children with anemia every day. "girl19_06.gif

We were already informed and we went there with a whole Ambaradan of instructions to avoid deficiencies of iron, calcium, omega 3 and so on and so forth. While I was talking about the kombu , wheat germ, sesame sauce and flaxseed, the clairvoyant we watched absently, to reiterate that it is easier to give the drops. In addition, he also looked forward to a CBC weighed in at eight to nine months, "for security". And we ask ourselves what kind of failures can never have 'baby I'm at an age when many pediatricians, also absolutely omnivorous, not introduce more meat? Perhaps preventive weaknesses? Knowing that I have parents, vegetarians, prophetically Frother predicts and requests to make iron stores for the future?

stunned, step further and ask questions about the different and contradictory tables of the introduction of food (for comparison, blueberries are on a six months to two years on the other and so on for almost everything) and here's the revelation: they are all different because they have no scientific basis. Before it was thought that in order not to be allergies need to delay the introduction of food, but now it turns out that is exactly the opposite.
must give everything away.

At this point I would make an appeal to paediatricians, but not because once you meet and agree not say the exact same version but at least something vaguely similar, so do not go through a bunch of easy come boor? E 'can you make parents crazy with the myriad rules and regulations for years, terrorizing and blaming any breach, then to say the opposite, with equal aplomb?
Some examples: I was born when I was in fashion formula, so my mother was forbidden by doctors to breastfeed, just because he wore glasses. Today prohibit giving it, even in extreme cases. I saw with my own eyes in the hospital to ban the bottle for four to five days to a child whose mother did not have milk until having to put a drip in the neck, because the "policy the hospital is not to the junta. "Not to mention dell'antipatia of pediatricians for mixed feeding, so in the same hospital to have another mom to throw away her breast and forced to give artificial milk only an expensive brand, because they say most suitable for the child born prematurely. But a nice middle ground? A little 'common sense? And I'm not the only cases I've seen. I am for this, I will also unpopular, I adopted immediately and without any sense of guilt mixed breastfeeding, finding myself too well. Even now breastfeeding two to three times a day but with intact Neolatte (bio) at will.
on this maybe go into another time. I just want to say here I think che un atteggiamento integralista e troppo intransigente sull'allattamento al seno porti molte donne alla fine a rinunciarvi del tutto. Non è forse vero che tante mamme passano al latte artificiale come esclusivo dicendo che "avevano troppo poco latte" e che "il bambino piangeva sempre perché aveva fame"? In questi casi non si rompe il rapporto di fiducia con il medico se questo si ostina a vietare il latte artificiale? O impone un allattamento misto con ritmi da caserma (pesa il bimbo prima, allattalo 10 minuti da una parte e 10 dall'altra, ripesalo, ripeti l'operazione, fai la sottrazione e calcola la giunta, prepara il biberon, ristimola col tiralatte, ecc ecc, il tutto ogni DUE ORE!!!)? 0955.gif Non mi stupisco che molte si scoraggino and abandon the mixed feeding exclusively for the artificial.

Again: until a few years ago is not absolutely necessary to put the kids to sleep on your stomach? Then the side. Finally, they discovered that one must always put them upside down, so you halve the chances of dying of suffocation. But then a few years ago, pediatricians, if math is not an opinion, caused the doubling of cot death! Soon
what we say, sleep standing up? Head down?

had several pediatricians who knows what I mean: ten = ten pediatricians stated. Do them the cream, oil, anything at all! No pacifier, pacifier yes, nì. Il fluoro subito, a due, tre, sei, otto mesi, mai tanto non serve a niente. Vitamine sì, no, forse. Allattare da due parti, no da una sola, per dieci, venti minuti e basta, per carità che si vizia, no a volontà poverino. Ogni due, tre, quattro, sei, otto ore, mai prima di due ore, quando lo chiede, lasciatelo dormire, no svegliatelo. Neko-04.gif Per non parlare delle vaccinazioni!

Per lo svezzamento si sono sbizzarriti con le tabelle, e c'è chi comincia a 3, chi a 4, chi a 5, chi a 6 mesi. Chi dà subito i cereali col glutine, il parmigiano, i mirtilli, le patate, gli spinaci, la carne, il pesce, le uova, chi dà il tutto il più tardi possibile, chi should not ever give them. And allergies, instead of diminishing, have increased exponentially. Well aware of the kindergarten teachers and elementary school, because that one child in three has its own menu, at the table.
Now the "Copernican revolution": give everything at once! But even here it would be better to simply use common sense? Follow a good middle ground?

And I will not repeat what we had to go through the clubfoot of cappuccino. (To all parents of children with clubfoot: go straight to Buzzi, please!)

To return to the disconcerting conversation with the pediatrician, then aged six months, we can give everything, and so far so good, we are happy. "Give him well also those things that you eat ... tofu ...": vabbeh, at least he knows what it is. Then the confusion begins. Having said that we can give everything, give us a menu with a staggering poverty: soup with potatoes, carrots and zucchini (have you tried to taste ? But I'll put on all things and more: onion, onions, leeks, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, fennel, garlic, and kombu what happens), cereals, oil and grain (all the meals? At least there has ordered a cheese that has always animal rennet). To this base told us to add the cheese (not even dead), or the cheese or the yolk. So animal protein every day for lunch and dinner. And all that cheese! Ah, of course, snack or yogurt blended with cow's milk, for a change.
Something I came back: and legumes? "Legumes are protein", explains the luminary. kitty-23-23.gif And we do not recommend the lentils for nitrogen. But better to give an occasional freeze-dried meat, to accustom the child to eat anything. Well, in life you never know what you may have to eat, so I think the grandparents have to delegate to the occasional taste of white meat or fish, but fresh food, not "boxes"!
And he who advised the powder, which contains only proteins that fresh food should be checked, only to say that the freeze-dried chicken brand in recent years were to grow breasts neonati, ma che adesso è un po' che non succede più, per cui possiamo stare tranquilli...
A ogni nostra domanda di chiarimento la risposta è stata pressapoco: "sì, però anche no, forse"; "no... però anche sì... fate come vi pare...", ecc.

Insomma, usciamo più confusi di prima, solo col portafoglio più leggero di diverse banconote da dieci.

Conclusione: gli diamo un po' tutto quello che ci pare, con moderazione e buon senso. Tra i vari "sempre" e "mai", ho scelto una via di mezzo, costruendo un menù che alterni proteine animali (ricotta e grana bio, senza caglio animale; il tuorlo ho provato a darglielo, ma non l'ha gradito molto e credo it is still early) and Plant (for now peeled red lentils and split peas, tofu, miso), cereals and gluten-free (rice, maize, buckwheat, millet, tapioca, semolina, barley, oats), carriers for iron, calcium and omega 3 (wheat germ, sesame sauce, sesame and flax seeds, nutritional yeast, almond cream in fruit), more organic and extra virgin olive oil a few drops of lemon juice (vitamin C helps to absorb iron). Fruit purees and juices organic unsweetened at will.

The next time I post the full menu and more fully the reasons for which are currently not saltatemi just along for dairy products and cereals containing gluten before the year, ok? According

so I should be more than a place for the iron and everything else, without the need for supplements. For now we agreed that we can expect that the CBC will do the Puccini for the operation, then we'll see. About
, April 12 just bring Puccini to do a blood test and 14 is fixed to pin the operation. We were told that is something fast and in half an hour riavremo the infant awake and plaster. After three weeks take away the chalk, then we should have definitively resolved. Remains only to bring the horrible guardian of the night to four years. We thank the Lord that he soon found the Buzzi. Among other things these days I was nervous and anxious because a colleague mi ha raccontato del nipotino di 5 anni, nato col piede torto, in cura al Rizzoli di Bologna (l'hanno portato lì dalla Calabria), operato con il metodo tradizionale a sei mesi, anni di fisioterapia, adesso con una cicatrice a forma di zeta di dieci centimetri, il piede ancora storto e da rioperare, faticose cure fino ai 12 anni con esiti incerti.
Potete bene immaginare come mi sono sentita, dato che al Pini ci avevano prospettata pressapoco la stessa cosa. Mi vengono i brividi a pensare che il mio piccolo ha rischiato tutte queste sofferenze.

Ma adesso basta con le cose tristi...
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